Privacy Statement

It is the top priority to protect our users’ privacy. This Privacy Statement (the "Statement") describes the individual privacy we protect when you interact with Arcfra and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, "Arcfra," "we," "ours," or "our company"). Generally, the Statement explains how Arcfra collects, uses, processes, discloses, shares and stores personal information when:

  • You visit, use or interact with any of our websites, social media pages, Arcfra mobile apps, online advertisements, marketing or sales communications;
  • You visit, use or interact with any of our offices, events, sales, marketing and other offline activities; and
  • You purchase and use Arcfra products and services that have been deployed by one of our business customers.

Arcfra‘s products mentioned in the Statement includes Arcfra‘s services, websites, softwares and hardwares. When we mean to refer to any combination of the above, we use the term "Properties." The Statement applies to the interaction between you and our company.

This Policy describes how Arcfra processes your personal data in accordance with applicable personal data protection laws (including, where applicable, the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 of Singapore (“PDPA”)), but it may not address all possible data processing scenarios. Arcfra may inform you of product- or service-specific data collection through supplementary policies or notices provided before collection.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, please contact us at

1. Personal Information We Collect and How We Collect It

"Personal Information" is information that identifies an individual or relates to an identifiable individual. The personal information we collect can be generally classified into three types:

  • Information you provide to us through your interactions with us and your use of the Properties;
  • Information we automatically collect from you in connection with your use of online Properties;
  • Information obtained from third-party service providers and affiliates, including:
    • Data brokers from which we purchase demographic data to supplement the data we collect;
    • Content services generated from providing product information support to others. such as local business reviews or public social media posts;
    • Communication services, including email providers and social networks, when you give us permission to access your data on such third-party services or networks;
    • Service providers that help us determine your device’s location;
    • Partners with which we offer co-branded services or engage in joint marketing activities; and
    • Public databases: For example, government-managed public databases.

We may combine information from these different sources for the purposes set forth in this Privacy Statement. You could refuse to provide personal information when we require you to do so. However, we need access to your personal information in order to run many activities and provide services. The information we collect depends on the interaction context between you and Arcfra, choices you make (including your privacy settings), your location and applicable laws (including the PDPA where applicable).

Information we collect from you

Arcfra collects information from the use of technologies such as cookies, pixel tags, widgets, embedded URLs, electronic communication protocols, buttons and tools in connection with its online Properties. The types of technology used by Arcfra may change over time as technology evolves.

Information we collect may include:

  • Contact information such as your name, address, telephone number or email address, and other similar contact information;
  • Professional information such as your employer’s name, address, job title, department or job role;
  • Statistical information such as your age, gender, country or territory, and preferred language;
  • Subscription and licensing data such as you subscription, consent and other entitlements; and
  • Contact preferences.

We may also collect information that you choose to provide to us by filling in "free text" fields on information requests, forms (e.g., event registration, product reviews or questionnaires), or by the nature of your request or communication. At the same time, we will record your use of the website through the rrweb tool in the Arcfra website’s back end to conduct user satisfaction analysis.

In addition, we may collect personal information disclosed by you on message boards, chat features, blogs and other services or platforms to which you are able to post information and materials (including third party services and platforms). We may also record our telephone or other communications with you, to the extent permitted by applicable law (including the PDPA).

When making a purchase from Arcfra, we may also collect billing and transactional information.

Information we automatically collect

Arcfra collects information from the use of technologies such as cookies, pixel tags, widgets, embedded URLs, electronic communication protocols, buttons and tools in connection with its online Properties. The types of technology used by Arcfra may change over time as technology evolves.

Information we collect may include:

  • Online Properties: We automatically collect certain information when you use, access or interact with our online Properties, including our online advertisements or marketing communications. This information does not necessarily reveal your identity directly but may include unique identification numbers and other information about the specific device you are using, such as the operating system version, web-browser software (such as Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer), your Internet Protocol (IP) address, geographic location (e.g. country or city-level location) and other technical data that uniquely identifies your browser. We may also collect information about how your device has interacted with our online Properties, such as the pages accessed and other statistical information. Online Properties may also include:
    • Interactions:
      • Content consumption data: Information about media content (e.g., TV, video, music, audio, text books, apps, and games) you access through our products;
      • Searches and commands: Search queries and commands when you use Arcfra products with search or related productivity functionality; and
      • Social data: Information about your relationships and interactions between you and Arcfra, such as types of engagement (e.g., likes, dislikes, events, etc.) related to people and organizations.
  • Arcfra services: In connection with your organization’s deployment of certain Services, Arcfra may automatically collect information in relation to your use of the Services.
    • Payment history: Data about the items you purchase;
    • Browse history: Data about the webpages you visit; and
    • Troubleshooting and help data: Data you provide when you contact Arcfra for help, such as the products you use, and other details that help us provide support. For example, contact or authentication data, the content of your chats and other communications with Arcfra, data about the condition of your device, and the products you use related to your help inquiry. When you contact us, such as for customer support, phone conversations or chat sessions with our representatives may be monitored and recorded.

Information from third party sources

From time to time, we may obtain information about you and other publicly available information, from third party sources unless prohibited by applicable law, such as public databases, resellers and channel partners, marketing partners, social media platforms, event organizers, assigned partners that contribute to the sale and marketing of our collaboratively provided products and services.

Examples of the information we may receive from other sources include: name, address, telephone number, office location, approximate location (based on reverse IP lookup), account information, job role and publicly available employment profile, service and support information, information about your product or service interests or preferences, browsing habits, page-view information from some business partners with which we operate co-branded services or joint offerings, and credit history information from credit bureaus. We may use this information in conjunction with your contact details, professional information and Arcfra transaction history for the purposes set forth in this Statement, for example, improving the accuracy of our records, better understanding you and your preferences, providing relevant marketing and support, and detecting and preventing fraud.

2. How We Use Your Information

Arcfra uses personal information (sometimes may use together with other resources) it collects for the following purposes:

  • Improve Arcfra‘s services: Collected information may support Arcfra to provide better services to our customers. For example, we use collected information to respond to enquiries, support requests, provide services or process your transaction requests;
  • Improve and develop Arcfra‘s products;
  • Update advertising and marketing information, including sending promotions and direct advertisement;
  • Gain a better understanding of our customers: Arcfra uses collected information to gain clearer insights of customers’ needs and their use of Arcfra‘s products. For example, we could encourage the interaction between customers and Arcfra through building and analyzing customers’ profiles. We could create analyzing models and generate business reports and control panels. We could also evaluate the effectiveness of our services for particular customers and industries; and
  • Other legitimate business purposes.

For these purposes, we combine data we collect from different contexts. However, we have built-in technological and procedural safeguards designed to prevent certain data combinations where required by law. For example, where required by law, we store data we collect from you when you are unauthenticated (not signed in) separately from any account information that directly identifies you, such as your name, email address, or phone number.

Our processing of personal data for these purposes includes both automated and manual (human) methods of processing. Our automated methods often are related to and supported by our manual methods. To build, train, and improve the accuracy of our automated methods of processing (including AI), we manually review some of the predictions and inferences produced by the automated methods against the underlying data from which the predictions and inferences were made.

When we process personal data about you, we do so with your consent and/or as required to provide the products you use, operate our business, meet our contractual and legal obligations, protect the security of our systems and our customers, or fulfill other legitimate interests of Arcfra as described in this privacy statement.

More on the purposes of processing

  • Provide our products: We use data to operate our products and provide you with rich, interactive experiences. For example, we may contact you by phone, email or other means to collect your feedback on our products and services;
  • Consumer support: We use data to provide customer care and support services. Recording data can be used to authenticate or identify you based on your voice to enable Arcfra to provide support services;
  • Help secure and troubleshoot: We use data to help secure and troubleshoot our products;
  • Promotional communications: We use data we collect to deliver promotional communications. You can sign up for email subscriptions and choose whether you wish to receive promotional communications from Arcfra by email, SMS, physical mail, and telephone;
  • Relevant offers: Arcfra uses data to provide you with relevant and valuable information regarding our products. We analyze data from a variety of sources to predict the information that will be most interesting and relevant to you and deliver such information to you in a variety of ways;
  • Advertising: Arcfra does not use what you say in email, chat, video calls, or voice mail, or your documents, photos, or other personal files to target ads to you. We use data we collect through our interactions with you, through some of our products, and on third-party web properties, for advertising in our products. We may use automated processes to help make advertising more relevant to you;
  • Prize promotions and events: We use your data to administer prize promotions and events available in Arcfra's meetings and events. If you enter into a prize promotion activity, we may use your data to select a winner and provide the prize to you if you win. If you register for a conference or gaming event, we will add your name to the list of expected attendees;
  • Reporting and business operations: We use data to analyze our operations and perform business intelligence. This enables us to make informed decisions and report on the performance of our business; and
  • Legal compliance: We process data to comply with law. We also process contact information and credentials to help customers exercise their data protection rights.

3. How We Share Your Information

We share personal data among Arcfra-controlled affiliates and subsidiaries. In such cases, these companies must abide by our data privacy and security requirements and are not allowed to use personal data they receive from us for any other purpose.

We will retain, access, transfer, disclose, and preserve personal data when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to do any of the following:

  • Comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process;
  • Protect our customers; and
  • Protect the rights or property of Arcfra.

Cookies and tracking technologies

Arcfra uses Cookies and other tracking technologies such as pixel tags, widgets, embedded URLs, electronic communication protocols, buttons and tools to fulfill the purposes stated in the Statement. The types of technology used by Arcfra may change over time as technology evolves.

Other technologies and how to block Cookies

Some of the technologies that Arcfra uses to provide services may collect personal information through Cookies. You could visit third-parties’ webpages to understand how they provide analyses to Arcfra and to block or delete their Cookies. You could also go to your browser’s Settings and block the Cookies. However, this may compromise certain functions of Arcfra‘s products.

4. Security and Confidentiality

We will retain your personal information for no longer than is necessary for the purposes stated in this Statement, unless otherwise extending the retention period is required or permitted by law. The data storage period may vary with context, product, and service. The standards Arcfra uses to determine the retention period are as follows: the time required to retain personal data to fulfill business purposes;whether the user agrees to a longer retention period; and whether the laws, contracts, and other equivalencies have special requirements for data retention, etc.

Arcfra maintains (and requires its service providers to maintain) appropriate organizational and technical measures designed to protect the security and confidentiality of any personal information we process. For example, Arcfra employs physical access controls, encryption, Internet firewalls, intrusion detection and network monitoring depending on the nature of the information and the scope of processing. Arcfra staff who may have access to personal information are required to keep that information confidential. However, no security procedures or protocols are ever guaranteed to be 100% secure and so we encourage you to take care when disclosing personal information online and to use readily available tools, such as Internet firewalls, anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and similar technologies to protect yourself online.

5. Your Privacy Rights and Choices

Marketing communications: You can opt-out of receiving marketing communications from Arcfra by clicking the "Unsubscribe" button attached to any emails we send to you.

  • Right to access your personal information:You have the right to access your personal information, except for exceptions provided by laws and regulations. If you want to access your personal information, you can access it by sending us an email which states your requirement.
  • Right not to provide consent or to withdraw consent: We may seek to rely on your consent in order to process certain personal information. Where we do so, you have the right not to provide your consent or to withdraw your consent by sending us an email which states your requirement at any time. This does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
  • Right of erasure: In certain circumstances, you may have the right to the erasure of personal information that we hold about you by sending us an email which states your requirement (for example if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was originally collected);
  • Right to object to processing: You may have the right to request that Arcfra stop processing your personal information and/or to stop sending you marketing communications by sending us an email which states your requirement;
  • Right to rectification: You may have the right to require us to correct any inaccurate or incomplete personal information by sending us an email which states the content you intend to correct; and
  • Right to restrict processing: You may have the right to request that we restrict processing of your personal information in certain circumstances by sending us an email which states your requirement (for example, where you believe that the personal information we hold about you is not accurate or lawfully held).

Please write to us at if you want to address any of the issues stated above.

As stated, we only collect limited personal information for the purposes mentioned in this Statement. Even so, our users have certain rights and choices to control our data-collection activities.

6. International Transfers of Your Personal Data

As part of a group with global presence, your personal data collected by Arcfra may be processed or accessed in the country/region where you use our products and services or in other countries/regions where Arcfra or its affiliates, subsidiaries, service providers or business partners have a presence. These jurisdictions may have different data protection laws. In such circumstances, Arcfra will take measures to ensure that data is processed as required by this Policy and applicable laws (including ensuring that your personal data continues to receive a standard of protection which is at least comparable to that provided under the PDPA, where applicable). This may also include when transferring the data subject’s personal data from the EU to a country or region which has not yet been acknowledged by the EU Commission as having an adequate level of data protection. In such cases, we may use a variety of legal mechanisms, such as signing standard contractual clauses approved by the EU Commission, obtaining the consent to the cross-border transfer of a data subject in the EU, or implementing security measures like anonymizing personal data before cross-border data transfer.

7. Other Information

How long we retain your information: We will retain personal information we collect from you where we have a justifiable business need to do so and/or for as long as is needed to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Statement, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law (such as tax, legal, accounting or other purposes).

When we have no justifiable business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymize it, or, if this is not possible (for example, because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible. You can request deletion of your personal information at any time and we will consider your request in accordance with applicable laws.

Protection of minors: We do not knowingly collect personal data of minors (persons under the age of 18). If a minor has provided us with personal data, the parent or guardian may contact us on the minor’s behalf to request that we cease any further collection, use and/or disclosure of the personal data and delete the personal data we may hold relating to the relevant minor.

third party terms and conditions: Our Privacy Policy does not apply to products or services offered by a third party. Depending on the service you use, it may incorporate a third parties’ products or services. Some of these will be provided in the form of links to third parties’ websites. You should read the relevant privacy policy for those third party sites before responding to any offers, products or services advertised by those parties.Your information may also be collected when you use these services. We are not responsible for and cannot control how third parties use personal information which they collect from you. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to other sites linked from our services.

Changes to this Statement: Without your consent, any of your rights under this Statement will not be reduced. Arcfra will review and update the Statement periodically in response to changing legal, technical and business developments. When we update this Statement we will release the latest Privacy Statement on this page for any changes, note the date of its most recent revision above, and obtain your authorization again before we collect, use, share and store your personal information. If major changes are made to the Privacy Statement, we may notify you through one of the following channels: posting a notice on our website or sending you direct notification. We encourage you to review the Statement frequently to be informed of how Arcfra is protecting your information.

8. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Statement, you could write to us at or by mail to Arcfra Pte. Ltd. - 120 ROBINSON ROAD, #13-01, Singapore 068913